Tuesday, January 29, 2008


It's official I got sick (and I'm milking it for all it's worth with Bixby
- a.k.a. Nursemaid Elliot). Went to a new doctor today with 100.8 temp
and a bad case of the chills along with gunky wheezy lungs. Did anebulizer and got hooked up with lots of drugs, so:

Some observations and questions:

When antibiotics say to take with food, does Slim Fast count?

On the train home I spotted a middle aged man with a belly. Worn black sneakers, frayed black jeans, a jacket, ear phones, a Patagonia hat and a copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" pressed up against his thick eye glasses.

got "are you nuts" song going through my head. Imagine that I'm tech
savvy enough to link to a couple of you tube clips, but instead go to
you tube and first type in the following key words

why do you think you are nuts

look for the Penny Magic Show clip

Then, type in Carol Channing: Why do you think you are nuts?

WARNING - the song will not leave your head. It's in mine and I have a fever.

Friends showed me this over the summer and another friend just reminded me about it.

And, if you haven't seen God Warrior from Wife Swap and then Candis Cayne as God Warrior, you MUST check out the clips. The Candis Cayne ABBA clip is High art and I'm NOT High when I proclaim that

Yes, I know I am months behind the pop culture you tube curve on these ones, but their impact endures.

Are you nuts, are you nuts, do you hate your guts?


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