Friday, March 30, 2007

Kitty Kind NOT so Kind

Bixby and I tried to adopt a sweet lady cat named Pumpkin from Kittykind, the rescue group that has homeless cats in cages at Petco Union Square.

I'm so mad I could just spit.

See below for their letter to me and my subsequent resonse:

Dear Paul

I apologize for the delay in contacting you. There was some confusion on our part and we regret the delay.

I spoke with 2 different adoption reps and after some consideration by them and the director of Kittykind a decision was reached with regret that we are not able to approve your application. That you and your boyfriend represent a caring and loving home is without any doubt. Our great concern is that there is a high risk of escape for your cats (with the many attached risks) via your backyard and that while some cats may be at a lower risk, statistically the risk is still very high. Cars, other cats, other animals, poisons, traps, mean people who would hurt or take your cat, even kind people who want to "rescue" your cat represent just some of the risks they would face.

And while we would love every cat to be able to safely go outside - finding or creating a safe outdoor space is difficult. And while it may not apply in your case, you may still want to look at both for ideas on how to create safe outdoor spaces and also to see how seriously the idea is taken by many people.

Your cat may have acclimated to your outdoor space in such a way that you feel confident in letting him or her out. Whether that confidence is well placed is not for us to say, but we have no reason to feel that a new cat would be safe going outside.
Most of our cats are "street rescues" and by that we mean that they come to us from outside either because they escaped from their home, or were let out and got lost, or in some cases were dumped by their former owners. A very small number of lucky cats get rescued. A lot of our cats are rescued from awful circumstances and while they are generally healthy and well adjusted by the time they get to the store, they are often in bad shape when we first get to them. "Street cats" - however they got there - have a very short life expectancy.

All of this is our way of suggesting that you re-think the use of your outdoor space as you continue your search for another cat for your household. Since you obviously represent a loving home in so many ways we are sure you will be able to easily adopt from another group, some of whom will not even ask if the cat will go outside. As you prepare to bring another cat home you may wish to discuss the outdoor issue amongst yourselves especially the notion that a recently rescued cat may feel so acclimated to the outdoors that they actually might walk away from your home in search of adventure and not return. Many cats disappear in just this way. An owner turns their back, or perhaps thinks "we've been watching him for two weeks now and he seems content to stay on our side of the fence" only to discover that on the "15th day", the cat is no longer there.

We wish you and all your animals well and we hope you now have some insight into our position and our sense of responsibility to the cats we rescue.


James Tobin


I appreciate the response though I don't appreciate
the delay in hearing a response of any kind from your
organization, nor do I agree with your decision. - I
have made 4 visits to Petco, made multiple phone calls
and sent e-mails offering to elaborate about our home
and our animals. Last night I sat with Dawn and gave
a thorough explanation about our yard which, while not
cat-proof, is very enclosed and private and has no
street access.

If anyone from Kitty Kind had expressed interest in
hearing the full explanation of our home (or even
coming by for a site visit) or our history with cats
and dogs (all street rescues) perhaps I would feel
better. Harvey, our oldest who I rescued from a
rooftop in San Diego in 1992 and recently had to put
to sleep due to an agressive tumor behind his eye,
always knew home base and, aside from a few rolls in
the sunshine outside, preferred to stay inside.
Tibidey, a rescue from Harlem, while more of an
adventurer, always stays close and comes in for the

We do not let the cats out unattended and certainly
would monitor closely any new cat's reaction to the
ability to venture out to our small yard. All our
animals receive regular vet care from Dr. Delorenzo at
Abingdon Square and are micro-chipped and wear collars
with ID tags.

My animal-loving friends, many with rescue pets of
their own are baffled that Kitty Kind would sooner let
Pumpkin or another cat sit in a cage than have a
chance to adapt to a loving new home with attentive
cat-lovers at her disposal.

Perhaps for clarity's sake, Kitty Kind should include
on your flyer the information that you don't place
cats in homes where animals are allowed to go outside.

My whole experience with Kitty Kind left me frustrated
with the lack of formal interview process and lost
application (instead I fielded weighted & meandering
questions from Hilary who seemed disapproving that we
feed our cat dry food when, in fact, it is a
prescription food provided by our vet) and
disappointed at your inflexibility of vision which
resulted in denying a homeless cat a good home.

Paul Davis


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration my we adopted a cat and had to play cat and mouse with foster mother for several weeks before we finally received the cat. She made appointments that she never kept and could never get a hold of her on the phone. The cat who was sick with cold turned out to have a respirtory and ear infections that had never been treated.
Best luck in finding a cat, if anything try a veternary clinic, many have kittens ready to be adopted.

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had similar problems with well-meaning but misguided rescuers who just really don't do the best for the animals. I'd suggest the ASPCA. They have more cats than they can handle. It's difficult getting up there and being there, but you could end up with a wonderful pet. For a normal person, dealing with the rescue community sometimes just isn't worth it.

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, it sucks that you had to go thru such a difficult process at Kitty Kind. Many people have complained about the way they are treated there. I happened to have found 2 cats on the street and could not keep them and brought them to Petco, Kitty Kind. I was treated like I was the one who threw them out on the street.

Having worked on the other end as a volunteer for a cat rescue and adoption center, I hear such horror stories of abandoned cats. I understand the screening process, but it seems like they did take it a bit too far. I suggest Bide-A-Wee, CACC or Angelicle cats. There is also an ASPCA adoption in Union Sq. April 14th. Good luck!

7:11 PM  
Blogger basementcat said...

I actually used to volunteer at KittyKind until recently. A lot of the volunteers are just cat-lovers who want to help out. But the 'upper level management' volunteers are the nazis that seem to make everyone's experience at KittyKind an awful and disappointing one.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,

Sorry for what happened to you and your partner, but really that's a small % of the people in rescue who get a little kooky. Most are trying so hard to save an animal life.

My suggestion in the future go to the NYCACC (NYCACC.ORG) they have so many animals that need a home and the kids there really want to see the animals adopted out and not put down.

Take Care!

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I adopted two kittens from Kitty Kind back in September. They definitely seemed frazzled and a bit disorganized over there, but i was able to take my pets home that same night. they turned out to be wonderful, amazing kittens (kitty kind told us they were boys, but later at the vet, we discovered they were girls).
While they may have their flaws, they do adopt a lot of good kitties out -- my own case in point.
But, that said, they were unreasonably harsh with you and can't afford to be so picky when so many homeless kitties need good homes.

You sound like a great pet parent, and just keep looking in other places. Don't let your kitty kind experience sour your search.

12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a current cleaning/feeding volunteer with Kittykind and I can't relate to what marrow2000 said. I do my shift, i enjoy working with the cats and thats about it. The volunteers in general have little contact with the "higher ups". I'm sorry she (or he) had a bad experience but i wonder exactly what experience he/she had...?

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK I read both letters and I have to say that on the one hand, their letter to you seems polite and to the point. You may not appreciate that they don't want their rescued cats going outside, but they have the right to try and prevent that.

Now on the other hand your letter seems fine enough too, although it's clear you're upset and who wouldn't be? But just because you call them X number of times, and interview Y number of times, doesn't mean that they should change their mind.

The sad thing is, if your blog, and the your posting on CL had the effect of hurting their adoptions (and keeping cats in those cages longer) then it would seem that what you have done is mean spirited and hurtful to the cats.

If you don't like the group fine, write them and express your feelings. Or donate your time or money to another group. But make it harder for cats to get homes?... that's wrong.

People seem to forget it shouldn't be about "us", it should really be about the animals. I'm not entirely sure that with your blog and the CL posting, that you really see that.

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband recently adopted from Kitty Kind. (We were "shopping" for "the" cat to join our family. One night he just brought the one we thought was cool at Kitty Kind home after work as a surprise.) I have to agree w/ the confusing adoption process. After waiting 30 mins. to an hour each time to speak w/ an adoption rep., we were screened w/ the same list of questions. Only then, we were each referred to another person and be screened by them for 30+ minutes. My husband and I have combined over 30+ years of cat ownership experiences, both indoor and outdoors, with the vet bills to show *LOL*. I'm sure they're short staffed enough to not waste my time as well as theirs and I certainly didn't need a lecture on what or how to feed my cats.

Having adopted my two previous boys from Anjellical Cats, I can say they are probably about as "bad" w/ their adoption process as Kitty Kind. Seriously, have more than one adoption rep. + other volunteers! Or show up on time or at all for the appointments or call! So do get your next cat from CACC. They always have tons of animals and you'll know that you've your kitty from the "euth list".

Good luck to finding another special kitty!!!

9:35 PM  
Blogger alonzo said...

At least you got a written explanation from the nasty, people-hating morons at KittyKind. When we tied to adopt a cat from them, they led us to believe everything was fine, but then just stopped communicating with us until after we complained in writing to PetCo management.

I heartily recommend Kitty ResQ in Long Beach, at

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Anonymous writer who said:

XX The sad thing is, if your blog, and the your posting on CL had the effect of hurting their adoptions (and keeping cats in those cages longer) then it would seem that what you have done is mean spirited and hurtful to the cats.

If you don't like the group fine, write them and express your feelings. Or donate your time or money to another group. But make it harder for cats to get homes?... that's wrong.

People seem to forget it shouldn't be about "us", it should really be about the animals. I'm not entirely sure that with your blog and the CL posting, that you really see that.XX

. . .forgets that it's also about the people who want to help/adopt the cats. It seems that everytime someone has a complaint about KittyKind someone with the same quote (probably from KK) slings this load of emotional blackmail.

I agree with others that if KK won't adopt to you go to the CACC where you will end up saving an animal's life.

4:01 PM  
Blogger FabCatWoman said...

Please link back to my site at if you really want to know how abusive KittyKind is.

5:04 PM  
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