Friday, January 25, 2008

A test regarding CLAY AIKEN

Not the best topic to break my blog silence but lately i've been tickled to discover just how easy it is to push the buttons of clay aiken fans. Bixby (my bf) writes a blog and simply said, with regard to the news of Clay going into Spamalot on Broadway "I have a bad feeling about this." To which fanatical clay fans - in droves - posted mean things about Bixby calling him a self-hating fag who must spend all his time reading Perez Hilton and inaccurate gossip magazines.

So i'm returning some of the venom and testing to see how many of those cyber surfing clay aiken fans make it here and start posting mean comments on my blog.

I'll just say this, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that Clay Aiken is gay. Nor is it inaccurate to call him cheesey and self-important (that Newsweek interview)

With regard to Cheesey, I'll just say that a highlight of my Christmastime channel surfing was stumbling upon a Holiday on Ice special featuring a girly and bloated Clay Aiken perched on a stool at the edge of the ice drippingly singing some ballad as skaters did their thing. Classic!

Testing Testing One Two Three


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