Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fuck You Roger Clemens

Home late from French class and then the gym, I walked the dog, ordered (and ate most of) a Dominoes pizza and side of chicken kickers, and settled in to watch a tear-inducing episode of Project Runway. Dear sweet Sweet Pea.

What, you may ask, does this all have to do with Roger Clemens (or you may be asking "does Paul really know who Roger Clemens is?"

Well, perhaps if the CBS Evening News hadn't made it the lead story and then devoted a substantial portion of the broadcast to the story, then maybe I wouldn't be able to identify Roger Clemons as the Cy Young Award-winning baseballer under a cloud of scandal for allegedly using performance-enhancing steroids and human growth hormone. (I am, after all, a Project Runway watcher. Not so sports. Unless you count figure and pairs skating).

Yes, after Project Runway I surveyed my dvr list and, despite feeling the pull to watch some trash TV, I thought I'd opt for the news to broaden my understanding of national and international current events. Roger Clemens? Really?

Moreover, I'm not sure how the U.S. Congress spends SO MUCH FUCKING TIME grilling an athlete and doctor about supposed steroid use. Talk about "Really?"

Tax dollers at work, people, tax dollers at work.

Reinforces my appreciation for those in American society who idolize non- athletes. At least many of those icons are, I don't know, more real, flawed, honest? Amy Winehouse, Brittany Spears, the knocked up Spears little sister, Janis Joplin, Alan Cumming (if one more gay person tells me a story about doing drugs and having sex with that man....). And, I know, one could cite the hypocricy and lies of many of those idols too.

Imagine though, a world where the pill popping of Liza landed her in front of congress. It seems virtually as absurd to me as these shenanigans with Roger Clemens dominating the evening news. They all just need to shut up. As do I.

Okay, Nat, so I didn't really blog about our workout (boy that was a stinky studio at NYSC tonight), but I did use "Fuck you Nat DeWolf" as inspiration for my post title.

Good night.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Norbert Leo Butz

Watching Act 1 of IS HE DEAD on Broadway tonight, I had an epiphany. Norbert Leo Butz is theater's answer to Ron Jeremy.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Treats Truck!

Hey y'all check out:

You know I love baked goods and am a closet baker myself, so when childhood friend Matt Ima, told me about his sister's business venture, The Treats Truck, I became a bit obsessed and could well risk becoming a Treats Truck groupie. You see, Kim Ima drives around the city (NYC) selling amazing baked goods from her truck, Sugar.

Very inspirational, Kim’s entrepreneurial venture, so if you’re in the Big Apple, find out where The Treats Truck will be and sample some of Kim’s sweet creations.