Thursday, July 19, 2007

My Sister With The Meerkats

I'm using this picture without Kira's permission and I don't care, I love it that much and want the world to see (who am I kidding, I rarely blog, and all of 2 people - my sister being one of them, read my blog!). Still, I have to put it out into cyberspace as it was through my sister that I learned to love cats (as I type this, my tuxedo cat, Tibidey is pacing around the keyboard, stretching and presenting himself for a chin scratch). She had a great time at the reserve and fed the cats worms from her (gloved) hands. Good summer fun.

On another cat-related note, I still hate Kitty Kind (the 'rescue' group that has cats up for 'adoption' at Petfinder in Union Square). Get this, Pumpkin, the sweet fat orange cat I tried to adopt is STILL sitting behind bars in a tiny cage at that site simply because those Rescue Nazi's play god and won't adopt a cat out to a loving, suitable home. Every time I watch our new cat, Pretty, lounging blissfully in the garden I think about how closed-minded, self righteous and WRONG those smug misfit so-called cat people were. Meanwhile, poor old Pumpkin's just sitting there day after day in a cage. Go figure.