Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Ate dinner with our friends Heidi and Rob at El Rey Sol on 14th Street - thinking it'd be nice to dine in their yard/patio. It was crazy hot. Heidi and Rob ordered sizzlin' steak fajitas and immediately regretted the choice. Someone was smoking nearby. Still managed to have a good time (we love Heidi and Rob even though they challenged my gossip that Tom Cruise is sterile and that Harvey Weinstein saw a Doctor for gangrene of the balls).

At home, our non-air-conditioned home, we watched INXS Rock Star (underrated show that it is) and then I took a shower to cool off. No kidding, my Lever body wash was hot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sad that TARA got kicked off of INXS: Rock Star :(

8:01 PM  

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